🔖#Inspiration | Inspiration 🔗 Source: Bite Code!

While it’s never been easier to create software, the tenacity and work required to do so is undervalued.

The nature of coding itself, the fact you are processing information of a problem you likely don’t know much about, and human interactions are all making it a hardship.

But geeks are very likely to not paint it as so, because they like it, it’s rewarding, and we are surrounded with incredible achievements.

Software is amazing because it provides great leverage, meaning it multiplies your little input tenfold. It also looks easy, since you are just sitting on your ass there, cozily drinking your tea gazing at your screen while lofi is playing.

However, to get good at it, a huge amount of practice is needed. And it’s been great fun, I enjoyed it a lot. Still do.

But I don’t forget how painful it has been, and how much it still is.

It’s creating huge abstractions in your head. It’s dealing with interruptions, complexity, systems bathing in unknown behaviors. It’s taking thousands of small decisions a day, again, and again, and again. It’s solving problems you never encountered after problems you never encountered. It’s coming up with solution non stop, then focusing on the bafling errors and non functioning logic with the faith you will find a way. It’s reading, learning, surveilling, every day. It’s hard, it’s exhausting, it’s putting all the pressure on you without any reassurance. And it. Never. Ends.

There are combinatorial explosions for everything: states, possible errors, user workflow… Plus details, so many details. This means your work is never done, you just decide one day to call it finished, or just to stop.

That’s only for the coding.

Now add integration, deployment, testing and you get in a whole new dimension.

A good developer, to manage all this, has created and perfected a vast array of skills. This takes a lot of efforts, on a long time.

You are doing two jobs.

One job is to create the software.

The other is likely to solve the problem of a completely different specialty than yours.

But for the software to perform accordingly, you need to develop a good understanding of the field it’s going to be used in.

This requires a crazy flexibility, capacity to learn, and stamina.

📂 Мотивация | Последнее изменение: 30.06.2024 21:16