11 Obsidian Tips for Newcomers: Improve Your Note-Taking - Face Dragons



  • Author: Gregory J. Gaynor
  • Full Title: 11 Obsidian Tips for Newcomers: Improve Your Note-Taking - Face Dragons
  • Category:#articles
  • Summary: Obsidian is a cross-platform digital note-taking application that aims to improve productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. The document provides 11 tips for newcomers to improve their note-taking experience in Obsidian. Some of the tips include using the command palette to access various actions, setting up custom hotkeys for increased productivity, syncing Obsidian files using programs like Google Drive or Syncthing, utilizing the backlinks feature to organize notes and create contents pages, using the escape character to prevent markdown formatting, exporting notes to PDF, learning markdown for formatting, creating tables in Obsidian, maximizing the knowledge graph feature, utilizing templates for structured note-taking, and implementing capture notes for quick note-taking. The document offers detailed instructions and examples for each tip.
  • URL: https://facedragons.com/productivity/obsidian-tips/


  • The escape character is helpful when using a special character Obsidian recognizes as markdown. (View Highlight)

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