🔖#Inspiration | Inspiration 🔗 Source: Bite Code!

Software exists for a reason. To solve a problem, to be sold to a customer, to provide fun to the author…

It also lives in a world of constraints: resources you can afford to build it, skills available, deadlines, or administrative burdens.

You should focus on achieving that goal. You may eventually do it by coding 12 hours a day, or 2. It will matter, and have important consequences.

Why do you want to code 8 hours?

The reason matters, because the solution is very context-dependent. 

I’m going to assume here you decided you wanted to be more productive, coding-wise. It’s not everyone’s goal, so make sure it’s what you want, it comes with pros and cons as usual. But once you have decided that, there are actually many thing you can do rather than pushing for more hours.

Saying no, avoiding multitasking, protecting yourself from interruptions, using good tooling, and surrounding yourself with the right people are likely to yield as much, if not more productivity, than grinding.

📂 Мотивация | Последнее изменение: 30.06.2024 21:32