2023 Gems of the year winners - Obsidian



  • Author: obsidian.md
  • Full Title: 2023 Gems of the year winners - Obsidian
  • Category:#articles
  • Document Tags: obsidian
  • Summary: Obsidian recently celebrated its third annual Gems of the Year awards, with 287 projects nominated by the community and winners selected through a combination of panel choices and community votes. Winners included plugins like Omnivore for fetching articles, themes like Border for customizing Obsidian’s look, and tools such as Quartz for generating static sites from Markdown content. The awards also recognized content creators and template designers, showcasing the diverse contributions to the Obsidian community. Congratulations were extended to all winners and participants in this year’s event.
  • URL: https://obsidian.md/blog/2023-goty-winners/


📂 Articles | Последнее изменение: 23.11.2024 16:34