Writing a Blog on the Internet



  • Author: Seth Larson
  • Full Title: Writing a Blog on the Internet
  • Category:#articles
  • Document Tags: Inspiration Writing
  • Summary: Seth Larson celebrates five years of blogging and encourages others to write about their interests. He shares tips for publishing, such as starting with the conclusion and not striving for perfection. Larson emphasizes the importance of authenticity and creativity in writing, suggesting that writers explore diverse topics.
  • URL: https://sethmlarson.dev/writing-for-the-internet


  • I always enjoy when a blog shows off the author, either through writing style, phrases, personal touches, pictures, jokes, or little pieces of life. Don’t be afraid to leave in things you think about when you’re writing. (View Highlight)
  • write about what you want to write about. Writing about something new, even if it’s only once, can be very refreshing. (View Highlight)
  • Start with the conclusion! A reader should be able to know your main ideas without a single page scroll (because almost all readers won’t make it past the first few paragraphs). Check out how your draft looks on a phone to confirm this is the case. (View Highlight)
    • Note: Полностью согласен, читатель сразу должен понимать, что он получит от прочтения поста. И насчёт проверки на мобильном, очень верно!
  • Once all the main points are there, resist the urge to make an in-progress article “more grand” or “comprehensive”. Instead, link out to resources that already exist or plan on writing follow-up articles later. Many smaller articles are more easily consumable for readers and more writeable for you (View Highlight)
  • Endlessly trying to polish something into being perfect is not worth it, because it increases the chances that the work won’t ever be published! (View Highlight)
  • Don’t worry about “conclusions” or “wrapping-up” a blog post at the end. Just stop writing as soon there’s no more to say. I promise almost no one reads all the way to the end (View Highlight)

📂 Articles | Последнее изменение: 19.11.2024 15:53