A unified theory of fucks | A Working Library
- Author: Mandy Brown
- Full Title: A unified theory of fucks | A Working Library
- Category:#articles
- Summary: The author tells a story about their theory of “fucks” which posits that individuals are born with a finite amount of “fucks” to give, similar to eggs. When we run out of “fucks” to give, we run out. However, the author revises their theory to emphasize that one can receive “fucks” as gifts, which can renew the collection of “fucks” to give. The author argues that one should give “fucks” to living things with beating hearts and breathing lungs, as well as oneself and their art, rather than to unliving things like institutions or systems.
- URL: https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/unified-theory-of------
- The theory goes like so: you are born with so many fucks to give. However many you’ve got is all there is; they are like eggs, that way. Some of us are born with quite a lot, some with less, but none of us knows how many we have. When we’re young, we go around giving a fuck about all kinds of things, blissfully unaware of our ever-dwindling supply. Until one day, we give the last fuck we’ve got, and we notice that the invisible bag of fucks we’ve been carrying around all these years is finally, irredeemably, empty. We have no more fucks left to give. (View Highlight)
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