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- Full Title: Working Fast and Slow
- Category:#articles
- Document Note: Создать заметку “Режимы работы”.
- Document Tags: development Development outline Outline time management Time Management
- Summary: Some engineers work consistently every day, but the author prefers to embrace a flexible work style, acknowledging that productivity varies. On focused days, he tackles high-priority tasks, while on less productive days, he handles simpler tasks. This approach works well in large tech companies, where work often fluctuates between busy and slow periods.
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Some engineers work very consistently, putting in the same hours every day and getting out the same amount of work. I don’t. Some days I only have a few hours of focused work in me, while on other days I feel like I can go on almost indefinitely. I used to feel like this was a problem - that I was either overworking or slacking off - but now I lean into it. Instead of trying to push harder on slack days and pull back on focus days, I accept that I’ll be much more productive on some days than others. There are serious advantages to this working style. (View Highlight)
- Note: Делаю также! Это относится ещё и к окружению, насколько оно в данный момент “позволяет” тебе работать сосредоточенно.
When I’m in the zone, problems seem more straightforward. Even complex tasks feel pretty doable. Once I notice that, I try to pack my time with high-priority work only. I’ll put off responding to all but really important messages (Slack’s “remind me later” is a great feature). I also try as hard as I can to avoid multi-tasking, so I can keep my entire attention on getting a single task right at a time. If I feel like continuing to work through the evening, I let myself do that, knowing I’ll give myself the time back the next day or the one after that. (View Highlight)
- Note: Если энергия прёт, нужно браться за сложные задачи и не отвлекаться.
When I’m not in the zone, every task seems complex and rife with booby-traps. I feel like I have to proceed defensively and avoid taking risks. On days like these, I try and knock out easy wins and don’t worry so much about prioritization. I do a lot of general talking and bouncing between multiple projects. I don’t feel so bad about stopping work earlier than usual, knowing that at some point I’ll make it up with a period of hard focus. (View Highlight)
- Note: Когда сил нет, лучше заниматься небольшими задачами, требующими минимум сосредоточения.
📂 Articles | Последнее изменение: 28.01.2025 18:44