• Functions that panic should have “Must” in their name
  • In multi-value returns, put the error value last
  • Don’t use naked returns. If you name return arguments, you don’t need to use them in the return directive. Do it anyway!
  • Return early. Implement error handling as if err != nil rather than if err == nil.
  • Avoid stutter. If your package name is vectordb, don’t create functions like NewVectorDB or OpenVectorDB. Remember they will be used along with the package name: vectordb.NewVectorDB()vectordb.OpenVectorDB(). Avoid this stutter! New() or Open() is perfectly fine.
  • Interfaces are Doers, and they are small. Interface names are kind of special in Go. Where other languages prepend a capital I to the name, Go chooses names ending in -er, such as Reader, Writer, or Closer. Besides that, interfaces are also small—a single function per interface is quite common.
  • Getters without Get. Methods that read a value should not be prepended with “Get”. For example, if your method returns a URL, name it URL() rather than GetURL().


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