How to Learn Stuff Quickly



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  • Full Title: How to Learn Stuff Quickly
  • Category:#articles
  • Document Tags: Inspiration learning Learning
  • Summary: To learn effectively, it’s important to balance guided tutorials with unguided projects to develop real problem-solving skills. Engaging actively with the material, like experimenting with code or building your own projects, helps reinforce your understanding. Consistently sharing your learning experiences, such as through blog posts, can solidify your knowledge and contribute to the developer community.
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  • If you only follow guided resources, you’ll wind up in tutorial hell. You won’t develop the problem-solving skills needed to succeed as a developer. When you try to build your own project, you won’t know where to start. It will feel like you’ve spent so much time practicing without developing any tangible, practical skills. (View Highlight)
  • With software development, though, mistakes are free! If we make a mistake, we can tab back to our editor, change the code, and try again. We even have helpful error messages that can (sometimes) point us in the right direction. This is an incredible luxury, and not one that we take advantage of enough. (View Highlight)
  • When I follow a tutorial, I like to play with the code. Instead of copy/pasting the provided code verbatim, try experimenting with it: what happens if you omit one of the lines? Or if you change some of the values? (View Highlight)
    • Note: Я использую также другой способ. Следуя туториалу, строю своё приложение, пользуясь предложенной информацией. Для этого приходится перерабатывать код, искать и применять дополнительные знания. Таким образом, лучше усваивается материал, и написанный код можно в дальнейшем использовать для решения аналогичных задач.
  • I’ve seen this strategy described as “one on, one off”. Follow a guided resource like a tutorial, and then spend an equal amount of time creating a similar (but unguided) project. If the tutorial shows you how to build an Instagram clone, try building a Twitter clone on your own! (View Highlight)
  • When I’m at the very beginning of a learning journey, I tend to focus primarily on guided learning. It’s difficult to build anything in an unguided way when I’m still grappling with the syntax and the fundamentals! (View Highlight)
  • As I become more comfortable, though, the balance shifts. I spend more and more of my time on unguided learning, building things that seem interesting to me. I’ll seek out tutorials when I encounter new and unfamiliar problems, but that becomes less and less common as I gain more experience. (View Highlight)
  • This can either lead to a downward spiral—one full of frustration and self-doubt and impostor syndrome—or it can be seen as a fantastic learning opportunity. Nothing helps you learn faster than an inscrutable error message, if you have the right mindset. (View Highlight)

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