Getting Started With Nuxt Image
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- Full Title: Getting Started With Nuxt Image
- Category:#articles
- Document Note: Попробовать кэширование и кроп под разные размеры экрана на
- Document Tags: nuxt try
- Summary: The NuxtImg component helps optimize images in your Nuxt app by allowing dynamic resizing, caching, and transformations with minimal code. It replaces standard img tags and automatically manages image quality and loading times based on user devices. With simple configuration, you can deliver fast-loading, high-quality images while improving your app’s performance.
- URL:
- It will cache the images on your Nuxt server though.
Instead of fetching directly from the
URL, your Nuxt server will fetch the image and cache it. If you inspect the devtools when using this component, you’ll see the actualsrc
used by the underlyingimg
tag is transformed to something like/_ipx/w_800/<
>. (View Highlight)
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