Why I’m Not Writing a Productivity Series - Jacob Kaplan-Moss



  • Author: jacobian.org
  • Full Title: Why I’m Not Writing a Productivity Series - Jacob Kaplan-Moss
  • Category:#articles
  • Document Tags: inspiration productivity
  • Summary: The author discusses the importance of having a personal work tracking system to achieve personal goals outside of work. They emphasize the need for finding a system that fits one’s brain and helps prioritize tasks effectively. Ultimately, the author decides not to publish a productivity series to avoid promoting a moralistic view of productivity that may make some readers feel inadequate.
  • URL: https://jacobian.org/2024/apr/4/not-writing-about-productivity/


  • Many people struggle to make progress on long-term goals because they don’t have a system for getting things done that works for them. Sometimes — as with this person — the work tracking system provided by their employer fits their brain, and in those cases they can get their assigned work done… but they then struggle to make progress on personal priorities or long-term career moves that aren’t things they can use their work tracking system. (View Highlight)

  • We use work tracking systems at work because we understand that these systems can facilitate focus and help us get work done. When we don’t do the same with our side projects and personal goals, we can end up implicitly prioritizing our day jobs other work that brings us more joy. Applying some level of rigor to tracking our personal work can help make sure we properly prioritize it. (View Highlight)

  • It’s difficult to avoid implying that “being productive” is some sort of objectively virtuous behavior – and that conversely a lack of “productivity” is some sort of moral failing. I don’t believe this. Nor do I believe that we have any sort of imperative to be maximally-productive at work. You don’t need to “give 110%” to your job. You don’t “owe” your employer any sort of maximal time and attention. (View Highlight)

  • I do think that “productivity” is important, but it’s a more subtle importance. It’s not about being a nice little compliant worker drone and maximizing your contributions to capitalism! Productivity is important to me in the way that it contributes to feeling content and fulfilled. It’s frustrating and stressful to be behind at work, and that stress bleeds over and affects your personal life. Being productive at work means it’s easier to “switch off” when you go home. And there’s no requirement that anyone be “productive” at home (View Highlight)

📂 Articles | Последнее изменение: 23.11.2024 16:34