Let’s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 1. - Ruslan’s Blog
- Author: Ruslan Spivak
- Full Title: Let’s Build A Simple Interpreter. Part 1. - Ruslan’s Blog
- Category:#articles
- Document Tags: diy
- Summary: This article introduces a series on building a simple interpreter and compiler. Readers will learn the technical skills needed to create an interpreter by starting with basic arithmetic expressions. The goal is to demystify how interpreters and compilers work and to encourage readers to commit to studying these concepts.
- URL: https://ruslanspivak.com/lsbasi-part1/
Why would you study interpreters and compilers? I will give you three reasons. (View Highlight)
For the purpose of this series, let’s agree that if a translator translates a source program into machine language, it is a compiler. If a translator processes and executes the source program without translating it into machine language first, it is an interpreter (View Highlight)
📂 Articles | Последнее изменение: 23.11.2024 16:34